

Establishment of the company in Stuttgart

Establishment of the company as Plastica Folien-Erzeugnisse GmbH in Stuttgart. At the beginning, freezer bags and aluminium foil were produced. At this time, highly innovative products that sustainably changed the packaging industry.



The company moves to Renningen

Investment was made in a new production and administration building in Renningen and all of the staff and machines were moved.



Investment in aluminium foil and cling film production

Investment in a new production facility in Düren. The site becomes a competency centre for aluminium foil and cling film production. To date, continual investment and the years of employee experience ensure the success of the site.



Adaptation of brand and new company branding

The company branding "quickpack" and the change of name to today's name QuickPack Haushalt + Hygiene GmbH.



Investments in the European market - Establishment of a company in Poland

QuickPack goes international. Establishment of QuickPack Polska Sp. Z o.o. in Jędrzejów. Start of marketing of the products in all of Eastern Europe and over the years becomes a basic pillar of the group of companies.



Investment in Calvörde

Founding of HaTeFo GmbH in Calvörde. The site is equipped with the most modern technology and thus becomes a competency centre for the production of freezer bags, bin bags and baking paper production.



Investment in innovative recycling technology

Continual investment in sustainable products results in the commissioning of an in-house recycling plant at the Jędrzejów site.



Expansion of the management board

The TOP management is continually expanded and resorts formed. Numerous business processes are digitized. Existing partnerships in Asia and Eastern Europe are continually and sustainably expanded and sales activities in Europe and internationally expanded.



Change to the brand presence and introduction of a new brand, "viGO!"

The completely re-designed brand "viGO!" is presented on the market. It was completely aligned with the changed needs of our customers and users through market analysis and the TOP design agencies.



Investments in Asia

Further investments in the internationalisation of the corporate group, the Vietnam plant starts producing bin bags. A great emphasis on sustainability and the responsibility to our employees was a key principle from the start at this plant as well.



Expansion investments in Poland

Expansion of production capacity at the Jędrzejów site through construction of a new production site and logistic centre as well as the commissioning of highly efficient machinery in all product categories.



Integration of a Polish company into the corporate group

The purchase of a Polish company in Wroclaw and thus further investments in the sustainable production of bin bags and sacks.



Investment in modern production facilities and production technologies

The continual investment in modern technology will be continued in 2023. There is investment in numerous machines to expand the product portfolio but also to reduce energy consumption and achieve improved efficiency. All in the name of sustainability!


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